all photographs
the Exhibition catalogue
The main subject of the first photo contest 'Science on Camera' was the region of Silesia, the hospital, magical land, which, against deeply-rooted stereotypes, is not only the land of coal and steel, coal mine towers and steelworks smoke stacks or post-industrial heaps and dumps, but a charming place full of beautiful landscapes and wonderful people who live here. The authors of the photographs showed us a different look at the beautiful region: wonderful nature, unique architecture of the workers' estates, and people, inhabitants of the industrial region which undergoes necessary and irrevocable changes. (more...)
Wiesław Banyś
Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice
What is Silesian science for Poland? What is Polish science for Silesia? How is the science identified with the region and with the country? What are the relations between them? Are we able to name, describe and show the relations? (more...)
Małgorzata Krasuska-Korzeniec
Department of Cooperation, Promotion and Careers
of the University of Silesia in Katowice
At the dawn of our civilization science was perceived as something mystical or even magical. Always and everywhere people of science inspired either admiration or fear. Their knowledge could bring help, but it could bring doom as well. The knowledge was often hidden, obscured. Yet much more often researchers eagerly shared it with others. It was not always easy. (more...)
Mirosław Nakonieczny
Centre for Studies on Human and Natural Environment
of the University of Silesia
Grand Prix
'Mega challenge in micro scale'
'Plants from industrial areas - the secrets of their leaves'
'Living on the edge - survival worth a reserve'
'Post-industrial areas as sites worthy of protection of their natural values'
'Picturesque poison'
'Heavy metals in plant cell'
Different foods, different bills
'Adaptation capabilities of living organisms to new environments'
'Red one towards the pole - chromosomes journey into life'
microscopical analysis of mitosis in rye (Secale cereale) using fluorescence in situ hybridisation'
'Discreet charm of noble residences'
'Castles and noble residences of Lower Silesia'
'A pact with civilization - renegotiating the deal'
'Uncovering nature. The deep ecology practice'
'Truth in swift currents and deep waters'
'The characteristic
of macrophytes in the reference conditions of the mountain and highland river types in Poland'
'Swan mussels tensed for the science'
'The Ecological factors influenced on the molluscs (Mollusca) occurrence in the Wkra River and its tributaries - the role of molluscs in running water quality evaluation'
'Strength of single nucleotide - the results of punctual mutations'
'Creation of TILLING population in barley (Hordeum vulgare) as a tool for functional genomics and crop improvement'
'Dead wood - living forest'
'Oribatids communities (Acari: Oribatida) in beech dead wood merocenoses (Fagus sylvatica L.)'
'Beauty, nature and the impulse'
'Orthoptera useful and universal tool for biomonitoring areas contaminated with heavy metals'
'Jewels of the land'
'Anthropogenic environments minerals'
'Between creation and destruction'
'Anthropogenic environments - their forms and processes'
'May the butterfly fly again'
'Analysis of correlation between food resources and developmental and reproductive success in Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo L.) - implications for the recovery plan of the species in Pieniny National Park'
'Ecologist as a cartographer'
'Age and origin of woodlands of the northern part of the Opole Silesia and Lower Silesia'
'Before the forest turns real'
'Importance of ancient woodlands in the process of renaturalisation of the herb layer in post-agricultural alder woods'
'Hard and everyday life of a researcher, or field study backstage'
'Importance of edaphic and hydrological conditions in the formation of the herb layer in post-agricultural, black alder woodlands'
'Is the beauty in the nose of the smeller?'
'Osmofores ultrastructure in stapeliads (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae - Ceropegieae - Stapeliinae)'
'Mega challenge in micro scale'
'Plants from industrial areas - the secrets of their leaves'
'Essence of nature - from a cloud of electrones to a cummulus'
'The strongly correlated f-electron systems; investigations and applications'
'Small fatherlands - identity of places, identity of people'
'Human and social resources as stimuli of regional competitiveness'
'Aliens - genes, roots and shoots at war'
'Habitat preferences of alien plant species (kenophytes) naturalized in the flora of Poland'
'Spying in thickets - following the trail of plant intruders'
'The establishment and spread of alien plant species (kenophytes) in the flora of Poland'
'Butterbur blooms where devil withers'
"'Habitat conditions in distribution of Petasites kablikianus TAUSCH ex BERCHT. in Poland'
'Sea is not necessary, a waste heap will do'
'Halophytes - industrial areas'
'Science in a lens? - a lens in science'
'Biofilm 3D
architecture of nitrifying bacteria consortia visualized by X-ray computed tomography, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)'