Strona archiwalna!
Ta strona zawiera treści archiwalne, które nie były zmieniane po 23 września 2019 r. Jeśli chcesz wiedzieć więcej zapoznaj się z deklaracją dostępności
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Description popularizing the research project Today's digital technology is a miracle. It is capable of persuading viewers they are diving in prehistoric ocean together with dinosaurs, floating in the space or visiting imaginary otherworlds. It is able to provide viewers with extraordinary illusions and mislead any of their senses. Modern cinemas and amusement parks go out of their way to offer their clients the most vivid experience in 3-, 4-, and n-D to make the viewers feel they participate in the scenes they observe. Abstract Geotourism is a rapidly growing branch of tourism. It is a form of cognitive tourism, and its main focus is a variety of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, as well as specific landscapes, such as mountains, volcanoes, deserts, karsts, etc., with a large number of geological and geomorphological values. The presented photos show selected geo-objects of Eurasia. The objects are associated with areas of active volcanism. In the areas, we can see such objects as volcanoes, fumaroles, solfataras and geysers. The photos show 'classical' Stromboli volcano (Italy) and mud volcanoes (Azerbaijan).